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Massage Supplies



Before registering as a vendor or purchasing a booth, please read through the vendor Frequently Asked Questions and Vendor Terms to ensure our events are the right fit for you. 


Vendors are expected to know and understand the rules at every event; ignorance is not an excuse. If you have questions about any term below, contact us BEFORE applying for clarity.


  • Vendor's Responsibility to READ these Instructions
    You are responsible for reading all of the FAQ's, Info and Terms. As an event organizer with hundreds of vendors, I kindly request you make an effort to find the answers to your questions within the Vendor Terms & FAQs before reaching out to me. While I would love to personally assist each vendor, there simply isn't enough time in the day for me to address inquiries that can be resolved by reviewing the provided information. ​ However, if you have read through the vendor information and still require clarification, I am happy to help. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Taking the personal initiative to seek answers yourself will contribute to a successful event for all. Thank you for doing your part!!
  • Describe the Booths & General Vendor Space
    Each event is different and has a variety of booth sizes and pricing. FOR THE MAJORITY of events the booths are "table expo" sized. This is a "table expo" event, meaning you do not receive a "convention center expo" size or style booth. Large booth structures will not fit, you would need to purchase 2 booth spaces to fit a larger display. AGAIN - it is different for each event based on the venue.   Tables are spaced typically spaced 18"-24" from each other allowing vendors to enter and exit from either side of their table. Items and signage cannot impede walk through space.   MAJORITY ARE TABLE SIZED BOOTHS - the tables are approximately 6' feet long and 2.5" deep, with 3 feet behind you for two chairs that we provide.   The actual booth space is approximately 6 feet in depth x 6 feet long, with 1.5'-2' feet on each side of your table for you to enter and exit your booth space.   You cannot extend your booth products, displays, signage, etc. into this space between vendor tables. If you need a bigger space, you must purchase two booths or a corner booth! There is no skirting, pipe or drape. You are provided tablecloths only.   Booth locations ARE NOT GUARANTEED and are first come first serve. We do our best to accommodate but we reserve the right to place you in any available booth.   If you bring your own table or have a set up that doesn’t include a table (massage table set up, chairs, etc…) your booth space cannot exceed 6’ long x 2.5’ wide. FYI – a massage table and a 6’ table WILL NOT FIT. With that said, there are 3 STANDARD booth sizes/types:  ​ Interior Booth:   The Interior booth is found within the inner space of the room, NOT against a wall. Booth dimensions are approximately 7.5' wide x 6' deep. This booth comes with a 6' x 2.5' table, 2 chairs and tablecloth. This booth does NOT come with electrical access. ​ Perimeter Booth:   This booth is found along the wall of the room and includes shared electrical access. Booth dimensions are approximately 7.5' wide x 6' deep. This booth comes with a 6' x 2.5' table, 2 chairs, shared electrical access, and the majority of time a tablecloth. Must bring your own electrical cords and power strip (outlets are shared). ​ Corner Booth:   This is a larger booth space nestled into the corner of the room along the wall and includes electrical access. Booth dimensions are approximately 8' x 8'. This booth comes with two 6' x 2.5' tables, 2 chairs, and 2 tablecloths. This booth space can accommodate a 2-table, U-shaped or L-shaped set up, one table with massage table, or one 8' table. Must bring your own electrical cords and power strip (outlets are shared). There are other booth sizes - this is just a typical description.
  • Day of Event Set Up and Break Down Instructions, Set-Up Start 8am, *Must arrive before 9:30am and be fully set up before 9:45am!
    Show times are from 10am-5pm. Set up time begins the day of the event at 8am; and take down starts at 5:01pm. If you need to come at 7:30am for a larger set up, please text me prior to the day. #262-515-1472 VERY IMPORTANT -> If you are not at the venue actively setting up by 9:30am, your booth will be FORFEITED. If you arrive after 9:30am – YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SET UP and NO REFUNDS will be issued. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. This means you must plan for the unexpected to ensure that you arrive and are set up in time! Exhibitors MUST be finished setting up by 9:45am. Exhibitors MUST keep their tables open until 5:00pm - vendors who begin to take down before this time will not be accepted for the next event. At 9:45 am we will host an opening circle. We ask that you please join us as we bless the event and connect as a vendor commUNITY before the event. Plan to arrive early and account for the unexpected inconveniences like traffic, getting lost, your printer not working, accidentally sleeping in, your support people not being able to help you, losing your keys or phone to ensure you are set up in time. We recommend you bring a hand cart to assist you in bringing in your items as no carts will be provided for you. While each hotel that hosts our events is different. Almost all provide access to the event room through a side or back entry (not the hotel's front lobby). When you arrive at the hotel, drive the perimeter of the hotel to see where others have parked and unloaded. Please park near that entrance, unload your items to your booth quickly, and promptly move your car to the designated parking area so to make room for other vendors to unload. When you enter the event room for the first time, walk the room to find your booth number. Your booth number is provided in an email a week before the event starts and if not received, will be provided on the day of the event. After breaking down at the end of the day, we ask that you place all your trash in the garbage cans provided throughout the event space.
  • Number of Vendors Allowed Per Booth
    Only 2 vendors (of the same company) per booth space are allowed. (No booth sharing with more than 1 company) No exceptions. Any additional people you have invited to the event must pay full attendee ticket price and must not congregate around your booth. Booth spaces do not accommodate more than 2 people maximum. Should you decide you need more than 2 people, you must purchase an additional booth to accommodate the space required for additional people. Only 4 vendors maximum allowed in a double booth. All vendors must be actively working, not "attending" or "lounging".
  • Vendor Donations for Free Gift Bags to 1st 25 Attendees
    The first 25 attendees get a free gift of a tote bag with vendor goodies. This helps us promote the event, encourages people to come early and most importantly...GETS YOU MORE BUSINESS!   While not required, we strongly recommend preparing 25 items to place in the bags to promote your business.   Example Donation Items: ·         Small sample of product ·         Coupon to use at your table ·         Business card ·         Pen with company information on it ·         Good luck charm with company info attached ·         Tiny crystal with company info attached   When you arrive on the day of the event, you'll simply take those donation items to the front registration table and place one inside each of the tote bags. That's it! 
  • Signage & Hanging Items & Promotional Material
    Nothing can be taped or adhered to the walls including signage and no personal or business items can be hung on any hotel property.   All banners and signs must be free standing and cannot interfere or be placed within the aisles, hallways, or other vendors’ space.   Small signage may be able to fit in your booth space, but large signage surely will not. (If you need more space, consider purchasing two booth spaces.) Vendors CANNOT hand out marketing materials outside of their booth space. This means vendors cannot hand out flyers to vendors at their booths or walk in the aisles handing out flyers to attendees. No marketing materials can be placed in the bathroom or entryways.
  • Electrical Access
    Electrical access is ONLY available at perimeter booths and corner booths (along the wall).   Interior booths DO NOT HAVE ELECTRICAL ACCESS so be sure to choose the correct style of booth if you need electricity.   Vendors MUST BRING YOUR OWN CORDS and you may be sharing an outlet so bring a power strip or surge protector.   Under no circumstances are any cords allowed to be in the aisle or any area where they would create the potential for tripping.   You may use a generator or other device that does not require a plug in outlet so long as that generator does not cause any noise nuisance or trip hazard.
  • Misc Booth Rules - Burning, Diffusing, Sounds, Lights, Prices, Aggressive Sales
    No candles, sage, palo santo, incense, or other smoking device can be lit or otherwise burned or set afire.   If you are an essential oil business and using a diffuser; it must not cause any discomfort/distress to the people/vendors around you. You may be asked to stop using your diffuser if this happens, please politely comply.   Vendors are NOT allowed to produce noise via music, drumming, rattles, verbal, or other noise "maker" that could interfere with other vendors.   Vendors must be considerate of surrounding vendor neighbors by keeping all sounds and lights within your booth space. NO BRIGHT DISPLAY LIGHTS - moderate display lights pointing downward on your table that do not interfere or cause distraction to other vendors are allowed. Ultra-bright, LED, type lights that shine outward from your table are not allowed as they can present a problem for other vendors and attendees, such as triggering migraines. READER PRICES DISPLAYED CLEARLY - All readers must clearly display their prices for attendees to view.   In addition, aggressive sales tactics are not allowed, meaning that vendors are not to pull people from the hallways and isles with force. This is a casual, positive, and learning sales environment. Allow customers to come to you, then teach them about what you have to offer while encouraging a sale, not pressuring a sale.
  • How to Promote the Event to Your Followers
    By registering to become a vendor, you agree to take part in the promoting of the event to your followers, customers, clients, and general audience through social media, email, SMS, word of mouth, newsletters, etc... This is because the success of the show relies on the cooperative effort of EVERYONE! While we do a TON of advertising ourselves (Read "What We Do to Advertise You" on this page), the magic happens when we work together to get the word out as a commUnity! Now that you see WHY we need your help in promoting the event, here's some ideas on HOW to help: Ways to Promote the Event: Facebook Visit and locate the event you just registered for. Click that you are "Interested" in going. Then, share the event to your business Facebook page, and your personal profile. Then, "Add this event to your page". If you have any questions on how to do this either Google it or email us. You can also create general posts on your page letting everyone know event details. Meet the Vendor Post Weeks before the event, we will make a special "Meet the Vendor" post highlighting you and your products or services. If you have a Facebook business page, we will link that post to your page. When you see the post, like it, share it to your page and personal profile, then comment something nice like... "Can't wait to see everyone" or "Check out my show special", etc... This helps your Meet the Vendor post get seen by more people! We also ask that you visit the Facebook event page and like, comment and share other vendor's Meet the Vendor posts to help boost the event as well. Email Create and send an email to all your email subscribers a few weeks before the event, then again a few days before the event, letting them know that you'll be there offering your products or services. Make sure to include the date, location, and Facebook event link or website link: to make it easy for them to share the event as well! Instagram Similar to the Facebook instructions, either share event posts published by to your feed or story, comment on our event and Meet the Vendor posts, and like our event posts. You can also create your own posts highlighting the event details to your followers.
  • What We Do to Advertise You!
    We believe in reciprocity and commUnity, which means, we're in this together! Here are just a few ways we advertise for your success: ✅ 30% of All Booth Fees Used for Advertising ✅ Extensive Paid Social Media Ads  ✅ Meet the Vendor Posts on Facebook ✅ Ads in Natural Awakening Magazine ✅ Email Marketing to all Past Attendees  ✅ A listing in the ✅ Word of Mouth (and trust me...word gets out!) ✅ Profound Social Media Sharing ✅ and so much more! We also ask that you take part in advertising the event to your audience. Read "How to Promote the Event to My Followers" on this page.
  • Vendor Engagement With Attendees
    As a vendor, how you present yourself, set up your booth, and engage with attendees will have a direct effect on the success of the event for you. If you choose to sit on your phone or appear otherwise preoccupied with something during event hours, you are sending a signal to attendees walking by that you are not ready to engage and converse with them. This leads to lost sales and can be the difference between you walking away satisfied with the results from the event and walking away upset that you didn't do as well as you would have liked. YOU are in charge of manifesting the results you wish to see by your behavior, presentation and level of engagement with attendees. Pressure sales don't work, but a smile and genuine "Hi. How are you?" does work. Maximize your potential to connect with your audience by being present, positive and ready for action all day!
  • Vendor Liability, Liability Insurance, and Release of HHF Liability
    You are responsible for the safe use of all your products. If you provide samples or testers, you must have the liability insurance to cover any claims should they arise. Holistic Health Fair is not responsible and will not be held liable for any attendee complaints or concerns over your products or services. For the safety of attendees we ask that any sample or tester have a full list of ingredients visible for the attendee to read before they sample or test the product or engage in your services using a product. Vendors are liable for personal injury, or lost/stolen/damaged goods. Vendors are financially liable for any damage caused to the hotel/venue property. Vendors are responsible for meeting all city/state resale, licensing, and health department requirements. Vendors provide their own meals, snacks and beverages. The Holistic Health Fair is not responsible for the safety of any vendor, it’s property, employees, visitors or customers from theft, disappearance, injury, or damage by fire accident or any other cause and exhibitors assume sole liability for any losses resulting from such causes. No insurance is provided for the benefit or the vendors or their property. Vendors shall indemnify and hold the Holistic Health Fair and its affiliates harmless from any damages, losses or liabilities resulting from any claims, demands, suits or other actions based on or arising out of the exhibitors’ presence in the indoor or outdoor expo spaces or parking areas during the lease term of the show.
  • Day of Event Problems or Concerns
    If you have a problem with a neighbor, your booth or any other problem, you must bring it to my attention (Debra) the day of the event so we can problem solve together. Waiting until after the show helps no one.
  • Dress Guidelines
    All vendors must be dressed professionally for a family friendly professional Holistic Health Fair. If you are doubting that what you are wearing is "family friendly" then it probably is NOT. No excessively revealing clothing. No frumpy, unclean, unkept clothing. No lounge wear or pajamas. No excessive perfume or odors. Please keep it professional.
  • Do you accept MLM Companies?
    Yes, but we strictly limit the total amount of MLM companies at any event as we prioritize independently-owned, local, and family-owned businesses. All vendors of MLM companies must indicate they are a representative of a MLM company on their vendor application. Please note we DO ALLOW up to TWO representatives from the same MLM.
  • Readers, Mediums, Psychics, Intuitives - Additional Step Required for Approval
    All readers, psychics, intuitives, mediums, and the like, must schedule a 10 minute sample reading with Debra, the event organizer, prior to approval to ensure a quality, authentic experience for all our attendees. Once you complete the application and pay for your booth, please email with the request to schedule the sample reading within 7 days of application submission.
  • What is the Average Attendance?
    Every event is different...literally. The time of the year, the weather, the way the wind is blowing can all have a dramatic effect on the amount of attendees show up. On average our events draw in between 350-500+ attendees, which many vendors have commented is the perfect amount without it being too overwhelming. Rest assured we heavily invest into professional marketing and advertising. Our paid ads reach, per event on average, between 25,000- 40,000+ people. But as the statistic goes, only about 1 in a 1,000 that see your ad are likely to take action. With that said, every year we host events, we steadily increase attendance as our fan base grows and word-of-mouth spreads.
  • What are your Booth Prices?
    Booth prices vary per event and can be viewed on the "Purchase Vendor Booth" page before making a purchase or filling out an application. Typically however, booth prices range from $135-$350 depending on the size of booth you choose, location of the event, and time of year. Our booth prices are in direct proportion with the cost of the venue and how much we expect to have to invest in marketing in order to provide our vendors with a full house of attendees.


By purchasing a vendor booth, also known as exhibitor booth, you agree to the following terms and conditions.


It is your responsibility to understand these terms fully prior to purchasing a booth. If you do not understand any of these terms or conditions, contact us for clarity.


Acceptance to participate in any of our events is contingent upon approval. Vendor must provide completed application AND payment in order to be considered for approval. Vendor must provide in the application the full legal name of the vendor as defined and listed on government-issued documents. This information is required to ensure our sales tax and event reporting is accurate and factual.



Booth fees will not be refunded or transferred for any reason whatsoever unless we explicitly deny your vendor registration at which time, we will issue you a full refund of all booth fees paid.

Set up time is the day of event from 8:00am-9:45am and take down is at 5:01pm. Exhibitors MUST keep their tables open until 5:00pm - vendors who begin to take down before this time will not be accepted for the next event.  


IF YOU ARE NOT AT YOUR BOOTH BY 9:30 AND FULLY SET UP BY 9:45AM, YOUR BOOTH WILL BE TAKEN DOWN and FORFEITED, and you WILL NOT receive a refund and there are no transfers. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. 


Tables Vary Per Event - Tables vary in size per event space, but overall, the standard sized booth are TABLE SIZED BOOTHS  -  6' table, 6' depth. There are a limited number of PREMIUM BOOTHS which may have an 8'L table and 9' Depth. Please read each applications' booth dimensions to understand the space fully BEFORE applying. You can view Vendor Booths from previous events on our website under the GALLERY tab.

The Holistic Health Fair reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any product, company, service and/or demonstration. We only allow 10% total MLM companies per event and you must state in your description if you are representing a MLM company.


All readers, psychics, intuitives, mediums, and the like, must schedule an interview and sample reading with Debra, the event organizer, prior to approval to ensure a quality, authentic experience for all our attendees. Once you complete the application and pay for your booth, please email with the request to schedule the sample reading within 14 days of application submission. 

The Holistic Health Fair reserves the right to move Vendor location.


Vendor Liability - You are responsible for the safe use of all your products. If you provide samples or testers, you must have the liability insurance to cover any claims should they arise. Holistic Health Fair is not responsible and will not be held liable for any attendee complaints or concerns over your products or services. For the safety of attendees we ask that any sample or tester have a full list of ingredients visible for the attendee to read before they sample or test the product or engage in your services using a product.

Vendors are liable for personal injury, or lost/stolen/damaged goods. Exhibitors are financially liable for any damage caused to the hotel/venue property.

Vendors are responsible for meeting all city/state resale, licensing, and health department requirements. Exhibitors provide their own meals, snacks and beverages.  

The Holistic Health Fair is not responsible for the safety of any exhibitor, it’s property, employees, visitors or customers from theft, disappearance, injury, or damage by fire accident or any other cause and exhibitors assume sole liability for any losses resulting from such causes. No insurance is provided for the benefit or the vendors or their property. Vendors shall indemnify and hold the Holistic Health Fair and its affiliates harmless from any damages, losses or liabilities resulting from any claims, demands, suits or other actions based on or arising out of the exhibitors’ presence in the indoor or outdoor expo spaces or parking areas during the lease term of the show.


Vendor Presentation - As a vendor, how you present yourself, set up your booth, and engage with attendees will have a direct effect on the success of the event for you. If you choose to sit on your phone or appear otherwise preoccupied with something during event hours, you are sending a signal to attendees walking by that you are not ready to engage and converse with them. This leads to lost sales and can be the difference between you walking away satisfied with the results from the event and walking away upset that you didn't do as well as you would have liked. YOU are in charge of manifesting the results you wish to see by your behavior, presentation and level of engagement with attendees. Pressure sales don't work, but a smile and genuine "Hi. How are you?" does work. Maximize your potential to connect with your audience by being present, positive and ready for action all day! 


Dress & Hygiene Guidelines - All vendors must be dressed professionally for a family friendly professional Holistic Health Fair. If you are doubting what you are wearing is "family friendly" then it probably is NOT including excessively revealing clothing.

All vendors should maintain an acceptable level of bodily hygiene to ensure that interactions with attendees remain positive and pleasant.


Perfume and Scent Guidelines - Avoid wearing perfume or other synthetic scented sprays. Many vendors and people attending the event are sensitive and even allergic to scents oftentimes triggering migraines and other physical ailments.


Number of Vendors Allowed Per Booth - Only 2 vendors per booth space are allowed. No exceptions. Any additional people you have invited to the event must pay full attendee ticket price and must not congregate around your booth. Booth spaces do not accommodate more than 2 people maximum. Should you decide you need more than 2 people, you must purchase an additional booth to accommodate the space required for additional people. Only 4 vendors maximum allowed in a double booth. All vendors must be actively working, not "attending" or "lounging".


Day of Event Problems - If you have a problem with a neighbor, your booth or any other problem, you must bring it to my attention (Debra) the day of the event so we can problem solve together. Waiting until after the show helps no one.

Risk Of Loss For Unavoidable Cancellation or Termination :Exhibitors bear risk of loss through show cancellation or termination for which the Sponsor bears no responsibility. In the event that any outside force, beyond the Sponsor's control, cancels the Expo or prevents it from taking place or continuing, such as, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil disobedience or terrorism, acts of war or work stoppage, pandemic, etc. the Sponsor reserves the right to retain payments made by the Exhibitors to defray all Sponsor's expenses and losses.

Any additional tables, chairs, equipment, stands, etc., that require additional floor space must be pre-approved and additional charges may apply. 
NO BANNERS, SIGNS or OTHER ITEMS MAY BE DISPLAYED ON THE WALLS - NO EXCEPTIONS. Only standing banners can be used and they cannot interfere with another exhibitors space.

NO BURNING  of ANY KIND - CANDLES, INCENSE, SAGE. Diffusers are allowed as long as the scent is mild does not interfere with another vendor.

NO MUSIC, DRUMMING or other SOUND that goes beyond your exhibitor space. Soundless/low vibration drum may be used - as long as it does not interfere with other exhibitors.


NO BRIGHT DISPLAY LIGHTS - moderate display lights pointing downward on your table that do not interfere or cause distraction to other vendors are allowed. Ultra-bright, LED, type lights that shine outward from your table are not allowed as they can present a problem for other vendors and attendees, such as triggering migraines.


PRICES DISPLAYED CLEARLY - All readers. body workers, and any "hand on" services must clearly display their prices for attendees to view. 

Vendors agree and state that all materials and content they provide do not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, patent or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, nor do they promote or endorse any product, service, or device which may or is at the time of the program not approved by any governing agency.


Any copyright infringements with such photos shall be the responsibility of the Vendor/Speaker, including legal and settlement fees. Images submitted by Vendor/Speaker shall be property of Vendor/Speaker, or they have paid all appropriate licensing fees. 

Vendors agree to promote their participation at the Holistic Health Fair on their website, email newsletters and social media including but not limited to:

  • Promoting their participation on their social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, etc.

  • Information about the Event to be placed on your Website

  • Information about Participation in the Event to be sent via email newsletters to client base.

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