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Chinese Medicine



Submit only 1 vendor registration per year. To purchase a booth at any of our upcoming events, proceed to Step 2 Purchase a Booth after you submit this application. 



Essential Things to Note Before Registering


Vendors must be: holistic, integrative, natural, organic, sustainable, or otherwise primarily focused on health, wellness, or spiritual development. We also prioritize local, small, and/or artisan businesses over Multi-level Marketing or "big business" companies. 


We do not accept: home improvement companies (such as windows, roofers, gutters, etc.), hobby crafts, hair/skin/body care products or cosmetics that are not touted as all natural or organic, or any other business type that does not align with our holistic values.


We reserve the right to deny any registration for any reason whatsoever.


Key Vendor Terms - View All Here


1. Pricing and floor plans for each event can be viewed in advance here: Vendor Booths

2. Only 1 vendor per booth and 2 people maximum at a booth. There are NO SHARED booths.

3. All readers, mediums, tarot, etc., are required to provide an interview and demo reading, to ensure a quality, authentic experience. After you submit your application and purchase your booth, email within 7 days.

4. Our events are 'juried', meaning that after you apply and purchase your booth, if your category of goods/services are full, we will reach out to let you know, provide a full refund of booth purchase, and recommend purchasing a booth at a future event. As our MLM and reader spaces fill up very fast, and they are very limited, If you are a MLM or a READER -  email before applying.

5. Vendors at our events are expected to be supportive of other vendors, engaged with customers, and maintain a positive attitude. If this doesn't align with your approach, our event is not for you. We also prohibit recruiting and any "hard selling" sales tactics.

6.Set up is always the morning of the event - starting at 8am. If you need more time, email Debra.

2025 Vendor Registration Form

This registration form serves as your annual vendor application, which helps us evaluate eligibility and manage category limits for our events. 

It also provides the public information that will be included in our annual Vendor Directory shared with event attendees and website visitors. Submit only one registration for the entire year.

Please note: This is NOT a booth purchase. To secure a spot at any of our upcoming events after you submit the application below, you must proceed to "Step 2" Purchase a Booth.

Public Vendor Directory Information

Image below must be square 1:1 (for example 1080 x 1080 pixels) and in .png or .jpg format. Image will be used as the main Profile Picture for your vendor directory. SHOW US YOUR BEST! Don't upload blurry, outdated or cluttered photos. This is your opportunity to attract customers or clients who are searching our vendor directory. Image ideas: clear headshot of you, image of you in service, products you make/sell, logo, etc... 

Choose File
Private Vendor Info for our Records
Vendor Type & Offerings

The following is used to determine eligibility and category limits. (For example, only x amount of readers per event, or only x amount of MLMs per event).

Are you an Affiliate or member of a MLM (Multilevel Marketing) Company
Are you a reader? (Medium, tarot, intuitive, etc...)
If YES, will you be doing readings at your booth?

Please Note: If you are a reader you are required to arrange for an interview/sample reading with the event organizer within 7 days of purchasing a booth by emailing us at This is to ensure an authentic experience for all. 

By Submitting, You Agree to and Acknowledge the Following
Please be patient after clicking "Submit" below. It can take up to 1 minute to show the confirmation wording below the form letting you know it has officially been submitted. To verify that your information was submitted, click here to view your entry on the vendor directory page.

Your registration form has been submitted. Please proceed to Step 2 - Purchase a Booth to secure a spot at one of our upcoming events. 

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